
Tomorrow will be exactly four months since I started blogging. In the beginning, I thought nobody but nobody would pay attention to whatever I will put in writings because fact is fact, my kind of topics are not everyone’s cup of tea. They are mostly personal matters consisting of dark thoughts serve in a very straight-forward manner. Someone once said to me that I’m too heavy to digest for everyday consumption; I can very well understand this, I’m an acquired taste. I just do what I do, write whatever comes to mind exactly how I think about them. I don’t even have categories for my posts. I offer them as they are, naked.

To my surprise, people came to my page. Only a handful to begin with but it was enough to make me happy. At least, I will not die shrouded in anonymity.  Some people out there know my name and have read my thoughts, awesome! Four months later, I have six blog awards, over a thousand likes and comments, more than seven thousands views and three hundred followers on WordPress alone. Who could have thought that I will reach that amount of success in so little time! I know that compares to others, my statistic is nothing, but it meant the world to me. It means no matter how off the track my posts are, there are people out there who can appreciate what I’m doing. And for that, I am immensely grateful. To those who take their time to pass by and leave their footprints on my page, to those who are brave enough to be different and have joined me in my quest, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Let’s all head to Justine’s blog to celebrate. She’s having a tea party and wants us to join her. We will bring and offer her these delights and hopefully she will see them fit enough to accompany her Matcha Tea…

Justine here we come!


24 thoughts on “Gratitude”

  1. I am stamping my foot again to leave my footprint in your blog 😀 Gratitude duly received 😀 Publish your book asap and be brutally honest and offer them naked! Happy blogging and congratulations 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Can I just say What a Coincidence?! I just posted about thanking people for following my baby blog and here your post was, in the freshly pressed about Gratitude. Anyway, I do love your work, how much ever I’ve read of it 🙂


    1. Thanks to people like you who prompt me to do better with my craft. The post is for all of you. I hope you will continue to accompany me in this journey. I will make it worth your while. Promise.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You know what I am jumping all over your blog leaving tea party footprints rather than muddy ones because they are covered in fairy dust just for you ho ho, hehe. What lovely words and it is a joy finding your blog, some of your words have blown me away. I am soo glad you are coming to the tea party and wow, did you just go and buy those for yourself to celebrate? Good on you, I would love the chocolate one at the back if nooone has taken it already? grins x


  4. Well, congrats on your following! Personally I enjoy all of the ups and downs, the dark and the light in stories- makes you feel more “real”. Good for you for not cow-towing to others, and remaining true to you. THAT is what your readers gravitate to.


  5. I love that you write about personal matters! I think personal stories can sometimes be the most interesting and most thought provoking stories of all.

    Thank you for continuing to share you stories; congratulations on your blogging successes!


    1. Like I said before, I write for myself and for people like you who could appreciate the effort I put in my work and broad minded enough to know that the horizon stretches way beyond our sight. Thank you for being here.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. One of the things I like about your writing is your rawness. You’re not hiding and in that not hiding, you seem, to me, as an elder, to be walking towards who you are.

    Your photography is also wonderful. What I wonder about is how you manage so many solitary photos. Is someone holding the camera or do you set it on automatic and start walking?


    1. They say if you cannot get rid of skeletons in the closet, you have to let them out and teach them to dance. I don’t know how to dance and have absolutely no rhythm so I just let them out.

      The images are combination of both someone holding the camera and setting it on automatic. I do some test shots first to see where I have to be in the frame, count the steps till I get it right and put the camera on multiple shots and start walking. If someone is holding the camera, I do the same procedure. I take shots first to give examples then let the person do the job.
