Book Of Counted Sorrows

Can our future be cleanly shorn

from a life to which we’re born?

Is each of us a creature free –

Or trapped at birth by destiny?


Pity those who believe the latter.

Without freedom, nothing matters.

Hope is the destination that we seek.

Love is the road that leads to hope.

 Courage is the motor that drives us.

We travel out of darkness into faith.


All of us are travelers lost,

Out tickets arranged at cost

Unknown but beyond our means.

This odd itinerary of scenes

– enigmatic, strange, unreal –

Leaves us unsure how to feel.

No postmortem journey is rife

With more mystery than life.


At the point where hope and reason part,

lies the spot where madness gets a start.

Hope to make the world kinder and free –

but flowers of hope root in reality…


~ Dean Koontz



11 thoughts on “Book Of Counted Sorrows”

  1. Only a book? … jeez, mine’s a whole lifetime … but also a lifetime of joy. Because with sorrow, like night, after comes day.

    Yup, nice poem.


      1. I find diversity intriguing. It’s our differences that make us interesting as individuals and those differences should be celebrated and blogged about!


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