The Mailbox

Last night I had a dream…

I  dreamed that I was getting something out the mailbox. There were people standing next to me but their faces were blurred but I must have known them because I was talking to them with ease. 

The mailbox looked like a miniature English cottage, complete with ceramic roofing shingles and sitting on top of a concrete post painted the same color of the outside walls of the house, half buried in the ground for stability.  Those types are not common anymore. Usually you will see them outside old houses, faded and covered with moss.

I opened the flap and stuck my hand inside. It came out sticky, covered in some sort of foul smelling goo. I wanted to know what was inside the mailbox so I bent over and peeped inside…

There was a corpse in there rotting. It was lying in fetal position facing me but the eyes were closed. It was someone I know but I will not name names because I am afraid to put curse on the person or somehow influence the turn of events. I don’t want to feel responsible in case…

In my dream I was not at all surprise finding a corpse in the mailbox, as if it was the most common thing in the world. But I remember making a sign of a cross with my dirty fingers. Then the dream ended…

I don’t know what it means… the dream, the corpse, my reaction, the people… Can someone tell me?
