Every age can be enchanting, provided you live within it.
– Brigitte Bardot

Can a woman still find love in her fifties or sixties? Does age determine what path shall we take in our lives or is it as said just a number? Should women fear the menopause or should they on the contrary embrace it? When do you think life ends, when you stop breathing or when you stop having a dream for which you would long to breathe?

All these questions and more cross my mind almost daily and I know that their answers differ from one woman to another, certainly that’s what I see at least from women I encounter, and I as well see how women’s lives change majorly from one to another according to those beliefs and from the different experiences one have seen I’ve managed to compose my own answers that led me to one thing, we, women, should never fear menopause, at least don’t give it more than it deserves. Read the rest of the article here.

Here is another helpful article on beating menopausal weight gain. I like how the author make the topic short, simple and relatable.

When you’re stressed, you release the stress hormone cortisol, which puts the body into an emergency mode and it holds onto fat for dear life!

Do check it out. It is worthy of your time.


Art: Svyatogor_Masha-04

I’m back!

I landed at 15 minutes past eleven this morning.  It was twelve thirty when I arrived home and one o’clock before I managed to open the front door because I spent quite sometimes inspecting the damage in my garden. Bag in hand, luggage by the front door, I started pulling weeds between my flowers. Tons to do! I saw that my house plants died despite of putting them in the sink half full of water. I didn’t realize Impatiens (Busy Lizzie) needs so much amount of liquid. Well, I will buy new ones. They are not expensive.

Then I drove to the shop to have something to eat this weekend. I will do proper grocery shopping next week.

Laundry have to wait. I took at least 3,000 pictures (and they are all worth the bother. I didn’t realize how crystal clear the water is in Menorca) and they have to be uploaded, sort out and one by one adjusted. The next coming weeks will be busy, busy, busy. 

Writing this, I feel like passing out of hunger and fatigue. I will share some of my photos in the next coming days and talk about my three weeks holiday. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I will crawl to the kitchen and gulp anything in sight. 

It’s good to be back guys!