
For this week’s challenge, share an image that depicts transition. Let life itself be your muse.

I saw this wild rabbit while walking. I thought it was going to run away upon seeing me but to my surprise, it stayed put and posed for me. So cute.

6 thoughts on “Transition”

  1. I like your prompt; I enjoyed your earlier writing about grudges and forgiveness, too. I’ve drafted long, wrought-through responses, which I may or may not post. ‘Cause, you know, your photographs here and comments so concisely and completely say it all. And I really like the rabbit. Richard Adams, the writer of Watership Down, was once asked an involved question about his intent to craft an epic allegory about the human condition and such–to which he responded, “No. I just wanted to write a story about bunnies.” Thanks!


    1. This made me smile though I didn’t read Watership Down your story is at first glance funny but I know like in everything else, there is more to it than meets the eye.


Be memorable. Say something unforgettable.