about me

Predictably Unpredictable passionate about art, design, photography  and everything under the sun insomniac gypsy who is marching to the beat of her own drum…


She cannot stand injustice and judgmental prejudiced people but loves gardening…


taking long walks…

and stormy weather.

This girl doesn’t like crowd, bling-bling, noises- rules -make up- stilettos and roses especially red because they are so common. Give her prairie/wild flowers instead___


or a good book (she cannot live without)


so, she can curl up in the hammock enjoying the gentle breeze, buzzing of insects and bird singing in the background for this melancholic choleric nocturnal creature enjoys freedom and solitude too much she is most happy when she is alone…


For those who are curious how the name of my blog and tag line came to being, and why I am here blogging publicly instead of keeping a private journal… you can read the explanation here and here.

Oh, before I forget, I only write true-to-life stories. If you find yourself having trouble believing some of it; remember, reality is stranger than fiction…


(P.S. All my scribbles good or bad are all copyrighted. So, I would appreciate if no one would re-produce them without my consent. Thank you)

225 thoughts on “about me”

    1. Oh! this is my third nomination and I am greatly honored! It’s a rewarding feeling to know that there are people out there who could appreciate the effort I put in my work. Thank you!


    1. Oh, my! I’m quite speechless! What can I say other than thank you wonderful people! it’s really inspiring to know that there are folks out there who like what I do. Hugs and kisses to all of you!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Treasure your beauty sleep, you don’t want to cultivate wrinkles 🙂 I don’t know how old you are but I guess around my daughter’s age if not younger.
      You have your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy, we can only be young once.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow, what a beautiful blog! I found it through Blogging 201 and am a new follower now. Feel warmly invited to visit mine and hopefully follow it back. 🙂


    1. I will check out your place in a minute.

      i am fairly new to blogging as well. just 2 months and a half to be exact. i didn’t know before that they are giving multiple courses about blogging nor they have handy zero to hero guide. so, i practically created my blog on my own following whatever comes when i click.

      thanks for dropping by and i guess see you around? have a nice day!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, this is exactly what happened to me. I started my blog for myself, and then discovered these great courses. You get better by just blogging, but the courses help you get there quicker and with the support of others.


      2. That’s why I joined writing 101 to help me grow. I will be joining photography 101 next month and writing 201 as well. Hopefully I’ll be ready for NaNo next year 🙂 these are my goals.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ll spit it out…softly. Thanks for the introduction, which I loved, as much as all your recent posts. I’ll keep spitting out from time to time as I’m following you.


    1. Softly will do. That’s how i like it 🙂 glad you can join the bandwagon. I will do my best not to disappoint. Hope you would stick with us even on meager days 🙂 I’ll pass by your page later after I finished writing something.


    1. 🙂 I don’t live in Idaho. In fact I never been to the USA. The title of my blog refers to the movie with the same name. Idaho as a fictive safe place which can be anywhere but mostly in our minds.


  3. Writing from the heart is my passion, so your words have connected…a kindred spirit and I am very intrigued with all the “goings on” in your blog…. new to this, but following you as so few “inspire me”…and happy to connect to someone who rests in a few similar frequencies….and has the courage to express herself without shame…..Mick E..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha, ha ha! Awesome! Your comment reminds me of something I have said to someone yesterday about being careful not to shame myself more than usual, letting the skeletons out the closet and giving them the freedom to dance… naked.

      I’m glad you can join us and it’s always a pleasure to hear that with my nonsensical ramblings I managed somehow to connect with (the right) people.


  4. oooh hello lovely lady, I have put you forwards if you wish to take it for the 5 day Black and White photography challenge, I think your photography is fab and you always have wise words to impart, it’s not an obligation if your busy, or can be deferred if you want even, or not done at all, but wanted to let you know I had mentioned you and put you forwards 🙂 Here is the post that your nomination is in:


    Big huggles Justine xx


    1. Aside from giving me a hard time on pingbacks, seems DP is doing the same with my comments which always landed on spam folder these days. Anyway, thank you for always including me with your adventures. Appreciate it so much. Though sometimes I can’t conform with the rules due to some technicality like overall look of blog page, time, not keen on badges (that’s why I never accept any blog awards) it doesn’t mean I don’t like being part of it even as an onlooker. You’re a good person Justine. Keep it that way.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ahhh…you can ignore my badges on my Eclectic or Tea Time if you ever want to join, I don’t strong arm anyone…grins….pleasure to include you, I shall just continue to enjoy your blog xxx


      2. Thanks for understanding my personal preferences. Great minds are those who can see beyond the horizons. I appreciate that immensely. I will see to it that whenever I join one of your quests, I will make an extra effort to replace what’s lacking in my department.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Warm hugs back and have a wonderful week ahead. Almost new year. Any resolutions? Good idea for one of your get together posts… invite everyone to share their new year resolutions 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. In fact, in daily post comment section many a times we met & exchange our ideas and opinions ;so according to me no formal introduction needed.
    Today, once again commenting on your comment about blogging U; I realized that our exchanges of ideas will increase over the time; so, today, I specifically visited your blog;
    It is a rare combination of hard work, plain pleasure & hobby.
    From your post it seems,initially writing might have been your hobby but now you have reach up to the stage where it became plain pleasure; a effortless process.
    From your each image it is clearly visible that how much efforts, planning, certain objectives you put it as a hard work.
    “Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive”.-Andy Grove
    “KEEP IT UP”


    1. I write from the heart and always will be. I’m perfectionist and an OCD I don’t do half-a$$ job (pardon the french) no amount of success can change that so, complacency will never be an issue as far as I’m concerned. You don’t need to worry about that. Paranoid is my middle name among so many other things I hope it will guide me to the right path.

      Thank you for being here and for sharing with us your thoughts. Take care.


  6. Your About page is a great introduction. Robert Frost is my favorite poet, so you had me as soon as I saw his poem in your sidebar. That is one of my three favorite poems. I look forward to reading your blog. I don’t write fiction on my blog either. Nice to meet you 🙂


    1. I’ve been to your blog page to take a look. Lots of wonderful photographs and stories and the colours are soothing. I love your tag line by the way. And your gravatar. Nice meeting you too.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I wonder about your remark Robin. I wonder why you love Frost’s poem which is described as the “best-known, most-often-misunderstood poem on the planet”. I find it a rather uncomfortable poem, frankly, but we all have our preferences and I am sure you have good reasons for loving it so much. I am probably just a grumpy old man. Take care and happy Easter.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Long time since I have taken time to check my WordPress. One reason I love Frost is his straight forward content and The Road Not Taken poem is no different. Its meaning is plain. It might be a little uncomfortable, but such is life, and that is something Frost seems to capture in an efficient use of words that paint scenes the reader can step into (just my opinion). I also like its rhyme and meter. Thanks for the Easter greeting. Cheers!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sure Robin, you are right. I like the way Frost opens up on how duplicitous people really are rather than how they first seem. It’s refreshing.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I don’t think Frost it’s speaking about the duplicity of people toward one another, but possibly how we deceive ourselves. In the poem, faced with equal choices, the person makes a choice, knowing he will tell himself something different about his choice one day – the stories we tell ourselves to make us feel better about our choices. I hope you enjoy the day!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I enjoyed your about page. It was very nicely done. I need to give better thought to mine. I think i was too hasty. i really liked the picture of you in the chair with the book, peeking around the edge. I like pictures that tell a story, not just the stand and smile shot so many people do. But I’m not a photographer. I’d like to be but i think i will have to keep that for my next life.

    I have a blog I started a little over a year ago called’ My Name is Jamie. Life in Prison’. http://mynameisjamie.net. It was hosted at a site – blog.com – an awful place. The lights were on but the management had gone fishing. There was NO community, and absolutely no way to get help. After months of incredible frustration I moved it to wordpress. Since I didn’t know anything about the power of a community I didn’t participate. Now things are changing and I’m taking the 101 course to learn the finer points I didn’t pick up on. My first blog is very focused in it’s theme and I can’t share the posts of other people on it or write about things off topic.

    so…I have a brand new blog, started the day after Christmas to do just that. Watch and Whirl http://watchandwhirl.wordpress.com. I’m having fun reblogging great posts. I will be back to read more of yours since you have gotten such great feedback here!


    1. Hi, Jamie 🙂 Nice of you to drop by and leave a substantial comment. Appreciate that. I went to your space to check and skim through posts. Seem we are both into soul searching and retrospection and things like that. Great feedback comes from hard work and being true to yourself. It will not come in one day but gradually you will find yourself there. You’re on the right track. Goodluck!


  8. Angie K
    09/01/2015 AT 14:16 EDIT
    Hi there, I don’t know if you accept blogger awards or not… If you do, I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award. I would be pleased if you accept it, but if not, I wish you all the best anyway! My post can be found on http://notanothertallblog.com/2015/01/09/sisterhood-of-the-world-bloggers-award/

    (copied this text from the comment section of one of my posts because I don’t want to lose this out of appreciation when I make the article a page which is originally my plan when I posted it for Blogging 101 assignment)


  9. Angie, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for nominating me but I’ve been nominated quite few times since I’ve started blogging and I am yet to accept one. I am extremely grateful though to those people who take time to read and appreciate the effort I put in each every one of my posts. Once again thank you!


  10. I’m so in love with your blog.

    I read expectations and completely agree with you. I can’t wait to read more posts. Your about me paid, it’s so cute & creative! What theme do you use on your blog? I’m kinda new to blogging. Can you check out my blog and give me some suggestions on what theme to use?

    Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your blog is perfect. Clean, modern, sleek and the color is spot on. In fact it is the best of Adelle I’ve ever seen. It suits your goal and your personality. Young hip professional.

      I’m using wordepress default theme twenty fourteen.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Well, I’m here. Hi ho, hi ho is over for another day so I thought I’d come over and say, “hello, neighbour”. I like what you’ve done with the place (translated: you’ve used the 2014 theme very well), seems like you’re busy (translated: you keep busy). One question. Where’s that tea you mentioned? Nice work on the blog. Regards, eLFy.


    1. As probably already noticed here in my about page, I have quite few nominations already but I have yet to accept one. I am so grateful and immensely flattered for the attention though. Thank you so much for the gesture, appreciate it a lot. It is always wonderful to be recognized.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is said: if the truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed.
        Edit not your thoughts. Just let them be.


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