Just a thought…

I often wonder why the male organs in renaissance paintings are all so unrealistically small…


10 thoughts on “Just a thought…”

  1. I recently posted a similar observation. Even when the male subjects are covered, the fig leaves are conspicuously small. 😀


    1. True. I wonder if it is something to do with era. When visiting Versailles, I noticed that the beds in the palace are all short and small I can barely fit in and I am just five feet. While browsing old clothes in museum in Bath, I saw that the sizes are way too small even for petite somebody like me. I’ll check your post this evening when I get home.


  2. One might also wonder why institutions like churches. Both Catholic and Protestant. Have images of small children all over? Often called Cherubs.

    With pedophilia and homosexual acts, charged against clergy. One also has to wonder whether it is something more overt than just, “be thou as a child, to enter the kingdom of heaven”?

    The tomb of William Penn, in London, U.K. Has a stone carving of a cherub with a skull, on it’s thigh. for example. Satanic ritual also uses images of children and if it’s to be believed? Uses them in sex rites?

    Regarding the statue of David, he is supposed to be a youth. With a rock in one hand and sling in the other. Standing ready, to take on Goliath.

    Generally, art insinuates sexual organs. It seldom fully exposes them. For then it becomes pornographic. Cheers Jamie.

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